As of Tuesday 8th February, parents will be able to come onsite to drop off and pick up your children.

The Ministry of Education guidelines recommend that parents do not come on site, in order to reduce congestion, and therefore reducing the risk of COVID spreading while at “Red”.  They also advise that schools are to put in place procedures that best meet their environment and school community.

After watching the pickup and drop off times over last week we have determined that there would be less congestion if we were to allow parents to social distance outside their child’s classroom at the end of the day and that walking a child to class will not increase congestion beyond what we already have at the gates now.

Unless we are required to change again we will make the following changes for our school community.

  • Parents/caregivers WILL be allowed on site for pickup and drop off so long as the following requirements are upheld by the whole community:
  1. Parents/caregivers will not be able to enter the classroom unless invited by a staff member
  2. Parents/caregivers will need to socially distance themselves from other parents and staff who are not in their usual social group
  3. Parents/ caregivers onsite for pick up between 2.50 and 3.10 unless picking up for an appointment before then
  4. Gates will open for parents/caregivers at 2.50
  5. All parents will wear a mask while on school grounds
  6. All parents entering school outside of these times MUST sign in through the office
  7. Please scan in using QR code on gate when entering


While parents not being on site was a recommendation from the MOE for schools, wearing a mask is a requirement. We absolutely agree that mask wearing will also reduce risk for others.

If your child walks home independently or collects a younger sibling from another class, this will continue as previously with all the children being released from school at 3pm.

If you prefer to stay outside of the school gates older children will walk to you and younger children will be sent to you at the end of the day once we know you are there.

Hopefully this change will make the start and end of the day procedures clearer for everyone. Our first priority as always is to keep everyone safe and we believe that following these procedures will ensure this occurs.

Thankyou for your support

Robyn Curry
